Banking – Fitch raises BCP’s rating (Jornal Económico)
- Fitch Ratings raised BCP’s Long-Term Issuer Default Rating from ‘BB’ to ‘BB+’ and its Viability Rating from ‘bb’ to ‘bb+’
- In 2022, NPE exposures decreased around €535m, of which €265m resulted from the sale of REOs. The NPE ratio decreased from 4.7% in 2021 to 3.8%
M&A – Bankinter Consumer Finance and Sonae establish a joint-venture to create a consumer credit operator in Portugal (Sonae)
- The transaction has an underlying equity value of c.€45m and involves the sale of 50% of Universo’s share capital to Bankinter Consumer Finance for an estimated amount of €19m
- The agreement also entails an additional payment of up to €5m, contingent and deferred for five years
- Universo has more than one million clients and a credit portfolio of approximately €400m, with a turnover of €30m in 2022
Banking – novobanco increases capital by €263m and the Portuguese State now owns almost 12% of the bank (novobanco)
- In the General Shareholders Meeting, a capital increase of approximately €263m was approved funded through the conversion of tax credits
- Additionally, the bank will issue 739 million new shares
- Per the agreement between the Resolution Fund and the shareholder Lone Star, the capital increase dilutes only the participation of the Resolution Fund
Banking – ECB authorises accounting treatment request from BCP which improves capital ratios (Jornal Económico)
- The European regulator approved the application of an article which shall exclude structural foreign exchange positions held to hedge capital ratios from capital requirements
- As a result, BCP’s CET1 ratio increased from 12.5% (2022) to 13% (2023), while its total capital ratio improved from 16.8% to 17.5%
Banking – BCP postpones dividends and distributes €10m to employees (Jornal Económico)
- The payment of almost €10m completes the employees’ remuneration programme stipulated in 2014, which was intended to compensate employees for salary pay cuts that occurred between 2014 and 2017, while the bank was funded via State capital (in the form of CoCo’s bonds which are contingent convertible bonds)
- Despite the improvement in capital ratios compared to the previous year (the CET1 ratio improved from 11.7% in 2021 to 12.5% in 2022), the Board of Directors decided to postpone the distribution of dividends
Banking – DBRS raised novobanco and Montepio ratings (ECO, Jornal Económico)
- DBRS upgraded the ratings on Montepio including the Long-Term Issuer rating and the Long-Term Senior Debt from B to B (high)
- The rating agency improved novobanco´s Long Term Issuer ratings from B (high) to BB (low)
Banking – CGD was notified by Banco de Portugal of its MREL requirements (CGD)
- From 1 January 2024, the requirement of own funds and eligible liabilities will be equivalent to 22.45% of total risk-weighted assets plus the combined buffer of 3.5%, corresponding to a total requirement of 25.95% (23.12% required from 1 January 2022)
M&A – Finsolutia sold majority stake to UK-based Pollen Street Capital (ECO)
- Finsolutia is a Portuguese servicer founded in 2007 that manages credit and real estate assets with more than 350 employees and assets under management of around €6bn
- Pollen Street, founded in 2013, is a fast-growing private equity with over €3.7bn in assets under management
- Finsolutia’s management team will be kept in the leadership of the company which Pollen Street’s investment will reinforce and enhance its geographic expansion and develop its technological capabilities