Alantra acted as sole financial advisor to Vescore’s shareholders
Alantra acted as sole financial advisor to Vescore’s shareholders, one of the leading quantitative-oriented asset management boutiques in the German speaking area which emerged from the scientific community of the University of St. Gallen. Vescore offers solutions for the management of customized asset allocation, absolute return strategies and alternative portfolio components. In July 2013, the shareholders of Vescore reached an agreement with TCMG Asset Management AG (“TCMG”), the newly established asset management platform of Swiss Raiffeisen Group to acquire a majority stake in Vescore and to successively increase its stake over the next years. Our role comprised the preparation of the sales documents, the identification of and initiation of talks with the buyer, the lead and coordination of the sales process and the due diligence activities as well as the transaction structuring and the negotiations with the buyer.