“It is not necessary to have hope in order to try, nor to succeed in order to persevere”
House of Orange-Nassau
Creative writers claim that the hardest part of building a story is striking the right tone, as without tone the identity or essence of the story or gist to be put into words gets lost. We were faced with something similar when it came to writing this foreword. We have found it hard to strike a tone that in the current environment does not sound overly sceptical or pessimistic. Indeed, the Spanish economy has been languishing for some time now in no man’s land. Clearly this is not the place to examine the reasons why we are where we are, nor the potential ways out. We do however want to at least flag three principles without which a business endeavour such as ours could not survive, not to mention prosper, in a recession of the magnitude and depth of that currently engulfing us: namely, (i) the ability of our professionals and partners to think critically;(ii) individual performance under the umbrella of a collective endeavour; and (iii) the dedication and spirit of sacrifice needed to overcome exceptional circumstances.